Sabtu, 3 Januari 2009

Coalition of Malaysian Islamic Organisation for the Cause of Palestine

2nd Muharram 1430 / 30th December 2008

George W. Bush
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Ehud Olmert
Prime Minister’s Office
State of Israel



Coalition of Muslim NGO's of Malaysia condemns in no uncertain term the recent attack on Gaza. The tragedy unfolding before us even as this memorandum is prepared speaks of yet another horrendous crime perpetrated by the Zionist regime of Israel on the occupied territory of Palestine.

The 18 month old unprecendented total siege and blockade on Gaza by the Zionist regime, backed by the US has never shown sign of let off, instead it continues with the recent pounding on civilian targets, killing close to 300 innocent Gazans and still counting, as bodies are being recovered from the rubbles.

The Zionist regime in her true form, continues to deceive the international community by claiming legitimacy of such heinuous crime in the act of self defense. They were targeting the so called 'rocket launching' sites of Palestinian fighters by pounding Palestinian police headquaters smacked right in the middle of a Palestinian neighbourhood. In defiance of international law and the Geneva convention, Israeli indiscrimately attack innocent civilians by training their guns and weapons on population centres.

The end of the 6-month truce in December has provided Tel Aviv the long awaited moment to unleash her calculated military solutions to deal with the Hamas government of Gaza. The truth is, Israel with a strong US advocate will never stop at anything to ensure a continued occupation of Gaza and the occupied Palestine. This is the reason behind the recent military incursions into Gaza. This is the very reason why, against all sense of fairplay and humanitarian considerations, Gaza was placed under complete siege without access to food, medicine, fuel and assistance from the international community. There is only one single objective on the Zionist agenda i.e to subjugate and break the spirit of the Palestinian people so that they give up their national aspirations and fight for the liberation of their land from occupation.

We, the coalition of muslim NGO's of Malaysia call upon the government of the United States of America to close ranks with the rest of the international community to take Israel to task for the most recent human tragedy sustained by the people of Gaza. We urge the Government of the United States of America to use her influence and political will to restrain Israel from continuing with her barbaric acts. We hold the government of the United States of America responsible for the death, destructions and sufferings by the wanton acts of Tel Aviv.

We also called on the United States, The United Nation and the Powerful Quartet to lift the siege on Gaza so that international aid and humanitarian assistance can be brought into Gaza in no time.

Jointly endorsed by Coalition of Muslim NGOs

1. Al-Quds Institute Malaysian Chapter
2. Islamic Party of Malaysia
3. Palestine Centre of Excellence
4. Citizens International
5. Teras Pengupayaan Melayu (Teras)
6. Third World Network (TWN)
7. Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim)
8. Global Peace Mission Malaysia (GPM)
9. Centre for Peace Initiative
10. Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (Jim)
11. Persatuan Ulama' Malaysia (Pum)
12. Sekretariat Himpunan Ulama' Rantau Asia (Shura)
13. Asian Federation of Muslim Youth (AFMY)
14. Asean Muslim Youth Secretariat (AMSEC)
15. Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC)
16. Consumers Association of Penang (Cap)
17. Friends of the Earth Malaysia (FOE)
18. Islamic Outreach Abim (Ioa)
20. Institute fo Community Mobilization and Development (IMPAK)
21. Institue for Syariah Research & Development
22. Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Semalaysia (Gamis)
23. Ikatan Siswazah Muslim Malaysia (Isma)
24. Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM)
25. Prihatin Malaysia
26. Ummah Aid
27. Jaringan NGO Islam Perak (Jama’iy)
28. Jaringan Ngo Kedah (Wehdah)
29. Forum Umat Islam Pulau Pinang (Forum)
30. Womens institue for Research and Developement (WIRDA)
31. Angkatan Pemuda/I Islam
32. Rural Citizens
33. Majlis Bertindak Wanita Islam Malaysia
34. Persatuan Ulama Malaysia cawangan Pulau Pinang (PUMPP)
35. Persatuan Ulama Johor
36. persatuan Ulama Kedah
37. Pergerakan Perkhidmatan Masyarakat USM
38. Political Science Students Society IIUM
39. Muhammadiyyah International
40. Centre for Youth Research & Development
41. Anti Corruption Movement (GERAK)
42. Amal Foundation of Malaysia
43. Kijang Care
45. Gerakan Mahasiswa Prihatin

Pemuda PAS, PR dan NGO Berdemonstrasi Bantah Keganasan Israel


SUNGAI PETANI, 2 Januari (Hrkh) - "Sesungguhnya isu Palestin tidak akan selesai dengan diplomasi tetapi tetapi selesai dengan senapang dan jihad umat Islam," demikian kata-kata As-Syahid Dr Abdullah Azzam yang dipetik Setiausaha Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Kedah (DPPNK) semasa membakar semangat para demonstrator pada demonstrasi membantah kezaliman Zionis Israel berhampiran Menara Jam Besar, di sini selepas solat Jumaat tadi.

Dengan kalimah syahid dan jihad menjadi laungan peserta demonstrasi, bekas Ahli Jawatankuasa PAS Negeri Perak, Ustaz Sidik Noor yang turut menyertai demonstrasi itu juga bersama membangunkan semangat peserta dengan pidatonya.

Beliau menyeru pemuda agar melakukan kesiap-siagaan sekiranya dipanggil untuk melaksanakan jihad di bumi Palestin. Katanya, pemimpin Hamas, Syeikh Ahmad Yassin telah menyediakan pemuda-pemuda untuk berjihad di bumi Palestin, maka pemuda PAS juga perlu bersiap untuk berjihad dan syahid pada bila-bila masa.

"Buktikan bahawa kita pemuda Islam adalah pemuda yang berani mati di jalan Allah!" katanya disambut laungan takbir para peserta.

Menurutnya juga, ulama-ulama Iran telah memberi galakan kepada pemuda mereka untuk berjihad di Palestin, oleh itu beliau mahu mimbar-mimbar diseluruh negara mengakui bahawa mereka yang berjihad di Palestin adalah mati syahid.

Demonstrasi anjuran DPPNK itu disertai lebih 1,000 peserta dari pelbagai peringkat umur dan kaum. Turut serta Ahli Dewan Negara, Senator Ir Zamri Yusof, Exco Kerajaan Negeri, Dr Hamdan Mohamed Khalib, Abdullah Jusoh dan Tan Wei Shu,Ahli Parlimen jJerai Ust Mohd Firdaus Jaafar, Adun Kubang Rotan, Mohd Nasir Mustafa, Adun Bukit Lada, Ustaz Ahmad I'zzat Mohamed Shauki, Kekas Ketua Pemuda PAS Kedah Hj Adnan Saad dan aktivis sosial, Kalai Vanar dan semua pimpinan pemuda PAS Seluruh kedah

Pada demonstrasi yang berlangsung hampir dua jam itu, Ketua DPPNK, Ustaz Musoddak Ahmad telah membacakan deklarasi Pemuda PAS Kedah. Demonstrasi itu turut menyaksikan lima bendera negara Israel dibakar dan demonstrasi diakhiri bacaan doa oleh Exco DPPNK, Ustaz Md Lotfi Ariffin.

Isnin, 29 Disember 2008


Alor Star

Dewan Pemuda PAS negeri Kedah mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya pembunuhan dan kezaliman ke atas umat Islam di Paslestin. Kezaliman yang dilakukan oleh Rejim Zionis Isreal telah mendapat perkenan dari Amerika yang bersikap double standard dengan menghalalkan tindakan tidak bertamadun zionis. Kami menyeru masyarakat antarabangsa supaya mengambil tindakan tegas ke atas Israel. Kami juga menyeru kepada seluruh negara Islam supaya memainkan peranan yang serius bagi menghentikan pembunuhan ini. Marilah kita tunjukkan kesatuan kita kepada saudara kita di Palestian dan semoga Allah memberi kekuatan kepada mereka untuk menentang zionis laknatullah.

Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Kedah strongly condemn the brutality act of zionis regime toward innoncent Palestianian people. We urge the international community to take firm action against the Israeli Regime and her under pressure to stop the massacre of the palestinian people. We also request to leader of Islamic Countries to play serious role to stop zionis aggression toward palestian people. Let us show aour solidarity to our brothers in Palestine and pray to Allah to give them strenght and patience to fight against a damned zionis regime.


Shah Alam

Seramai 34 orang peserta dari kedah menghadiri majlis Taklimat dan Pelancaran Kempen Jom Sertai PAS yang diadakan di Shah Alam Sabtu lepas. Rombongan terdiri daripada ketua pemuda kawasan, setiausaha dan penolong Setiausaha Pemuda kawasan seluruh Kedah bersama Ketua Pemuda negeri Ust. Musoddak dan Setiausaha Pemuda negeri Ust Rosli telah menyewa sebuah bas ke majlis tersebut.Turut hadir wakil-wakil daripada Dewan Pemuda Negeri-Negeri seluurh Malaysia.

Taklimat telah telah diberikan oleh Setiausaha DPP Pusat, sdr Ahmad Sabki Yusuf dan beberapa pembentang dari sekretariat DPP Pusat.

Pada sebelah petang pula diadakan majlis pelancaran kempen Jom Sertai PAS di dataran Shah Alam yang disempurnakan perasmian oleh YB Dato' Seri Presiden PAS, Tuan Guru HJ Abd Hadi Awang.


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